Thursday, May 7, 2009

Can I Catch A Break?

You know that saying, "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Well, let's just say that life hasn't been handing me lemons lately. As depressing as it sounds, it seems like every step I take forward, life pushes me two steps back. As frustrating as it, for every two steps I get pushed back, I only want to take bigger steps when moving forward.

I've been told that bad things usually come in threes. I used to be a firm believer of this. Key words: USED TO. I think it's safe to say that I passed the number three a couple of weeks ago. Sound like I'm a complainer? I'm really not. I actually think I'm handling my current life situations pretty well. I mean, let's recap the past month shall we.

Nothing says fun times like some family drama! I don't plan to elaborate on this because the topic itself could be a book. Let's just say that the words frustrating, devastating and heartbreaking don't even touch on the subject.

To add to that, I recently got laid off from my job. I honestly was not expecting to be laid off nor was I really prepared. Not that there is a guide or manuel of some type that explains how to prepare oneself for being laid off.

So now that my family seems to be absent from my current life, I am also jobless and five months pregnant.

What could make my unlucky days seem a little brighter? I would love to scream and then scream some more.

And one last thing, dealing with insurance is enough to drive anyone crazy. Not to mention, try finding a job when you're knocked up. Okay, I know, I will quit my bitching for now.

So whoever came up with the lemon and lemonade saying, I give you two thumbs down at the moment. Not to mention I've always found that saying to be piss poor. I mean seriously, anyone who knows anything about life already knows that limes are better. So when life hands you a pile of shit for luck, grab a shot of tequilla and chase it with a lime!

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